On July 9, President Trump announced that he would nominate conservative Brett Kavanaugh to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Here’s what Planned Parenthood Federation of America had to say about the choice, and what it means for every single person who believes they should have control of their own bodies:
“We oppose the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and call on the Senate to do the same. There’s no way to sugarcoat it: with this nomination, the constitutional right to access safe, legal abortion in this country is on the line. We already know how Brett Kavanaugh would rule on Roe v. Wade, because the president told us so. We take Trump at his word that Brett Kavanaugh would overturn Roe v. Wade and get rid of the Affordable Care Act. The balance of the Supreme Court is at stake — we cannot allow it to be tilted against the constitutional right to access abortion. Generations of women, especially women of color, will be affected. And generations of people have grown up only knowing a country where they have the right to access safe, legal abortion. We cannot allow our children and grandchildren to have fewer rights than we do today.”
We all know this is the biggest fight we've ever faced: the immediate impacts are stark.
Michigan is one of dozens of states that still has an active abortion ban on the books; if Roe v. Wade is repealed, every single one of us will lose access to safe, legal abortion.
That’s not a reality any of us are anxious to return to.
And, as Nancy Northup wrote in the Washington Post, the impacts of a Roe repeal aren’t limited to women who want access to reproductive care.
“The long-term harm would not be limited to women who need abortion care. Invite the government to exert control over a woman’s body, and invite tyranny over our most intimate and personal life decisions.
“That’s why it’s time to stop talking about Roe as a stand-alone case. The Supreme Court can’t just negate a woman’s right to abortion without unraveling protections for all. You can have either the president’s promise about overturning Roe or the Constitution’s promise of a realm of personal liberty. You can’t have both.”
This is why it is so important that we stop the confirmation of an anti-choice, anti-personal liberty Supreme Court Justice. First, call your Senators now and tell them that we cannot confirm another justice who is hellbent on repealing our rights.
Next, we need you to join PPAM in the fight to get more pro-choice elected officials in office. Become a member today-- your investment in PPAM not only helps financially, but our members will be the firepower we need to ensure that local and state elected officials share our belief that our Michigan’s future for women and girls should not include coat hangers.