Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan announced today that three candidates have earned the organization’s endorsement. Today’s announcement is the first of the 2020 election cycle.

PPAM endorsed Cynthia Neeley for the 34th District in the Michigan House of Representatives. A special election is scheduled for that vacant seat on March 10.
“Now, more than ever, it’s critical to ensure Michiganders know who stands with them and believes that everyone should have access to high quality health care, and who doesn’t,” said Lori Carpentier, President & CEO of PPAM. “We face unprecedented threats to basic health care like birth control and abortion, and we need leaders like Cynthia who recognize that control of our own bodies is a non-negotiable right. The vast majority of Michiganders support keeping abortion safe and legal; it’s time their leaders reflected that.” PPAM also endorsed Chief Justice Bridget Mary McCormack for reelection and Elizabeth Welch for election to the Michigan Supreme Court.
PPAM-endorsed candidates powered the Pink Wave that turned out record numbers of voters across the state in the 2018 election, when 66 percent of PPAM’s endorsed and favorably-rated candidates won. For more information about the endorsement process or to apply for an endorsement, please visit our endorsement page.