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Welcome our new Grand Rapids Community Organizer, Becca Rogers!

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

Hey Becca! We’re excited to have you on our team. Introduce yourself to our supporters.

Hi! My name is Becca Rogers and I use she/her pronouns. I am so excited to be the new Grand Rapids and Muskegon community organizer!

I recently graduated from Grand Valley State University with a double major in Women and Gender Studies, and Political Science. I have previously worked with Planned Parenthood as an Impact Organizer in the 2018 midterm elections and helped elect Gretchen Whitmer and other progressive candidates to office.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

In my free time I love spending time outside, where I’m usually drinking coffee or reading a new book. I also love travelling- the next trip I have planned is to finally travel west to see the Pacific Ocean! One of my biggest dreams in life is to see and swim in every ocean.

Why is Planned Parenthood important to you?

I stand with Planned Parenthood because they offer people high quality reproductive health care regardless of social or economic background. Planned Parenthood is one of the few organizations that recognizes health care as a human right and actively works to meet this ideal. Personally, I stand with Planned Parenthood because of the quality of service that they provide. They always act with respect, speak without judgment, and truly provide a safe space.

You will be serving as our new Grand Rapids community organizer. What is special to you about GR?

I was born and raised in Grand Rapids. I have spent my whole life learning about this city and exploring the unique parts of it. Growing up I wasn’t necessarily excited about living in Western Michigan, but during my time at college I started to appreciate the beauty of Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids is home to a tight-knit community that is passionate about both the city itself and the potential that the community has.

Within the past few years, Grand Rapids has exponentially grown and has started to express the uniqueness of the city through its’ businesses, arts, and humanities. While I love the recent growth of Grand Rapids, what I love even more is that Grand Rapids is nowhere near done growing and improving itself for the betterment of the people that call GR home. In my new organizer role in GR, I hope to contribute to the positive growth of Grand Rapids and address the social issues that haven’t been properly addressed. I’m excited to get out into the community, create new relationships, and use my privilege to elevate the voices of those who have been historically oppressed.

How can people get in touch with you?

If there are any questions at all or are interested in volunteering with Planned Parenthood in Grand Rapids or Muskegon, please feel free to email me at:


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