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Get Involved! 

Are you ready to join the fight to defend reproductive rights, expand access to health care, and protect those who rely on Planned Parenthood for care? Yes? Great!


We count on members, activists, interns and supporters like you to help us organize outreach programs, host events, stop dangerous legislation from passing and advocate for the diverse communities that rely on Planned Parenthood. 

Attend an Event

We host various events throughout the year to connect with communities, provide resources and education, and advocate for sexual and reproductive health care access in Michigan. 


Check out our upcoming events, and join the fight by signing up to attend an event near you.

Start a Fundraiser

Help us protect and restore access to safe, legal abortion and reproductive rights by raising urgently needed funds to support our work! 


Become a Volunteer

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your community? Do you believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality, affordable reproductive health care and family planning services?


Register for an upcoming volunteer onboarding training. After the training, you will be connected with and organizer near you.

Become a Volunteer
Become a Member

Become a Member

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan (PPAM) relies on people like you to support our education, outreach, and advocacy programs. With your help, we can continue to offer comprehensive sex education, advocate for much-needed policy change, and fight back against legislation that would hurt Michiganders and those who come to us for care.


As a member of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, you will:


  1. Receive ongoing insider information and updates that keep you informed as an ambassador for Planned Parenthood patients.

  2. Financially support the work we do in communities across Michigan to fight for access to high-quality comprehensive health care that includes abortion services.

  3. Participate in the election of a member of the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan board of trustees.

  4. Work with state and local candidates.


Note: Contributions to Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, including membership dues, are not tax deductible. 

Share Your Story

Share Your Story 

Story collection is a powerful communications and organizing tactic demonstrating the urgent necessity of access to reproductive, sexual, and preventive health care.


Storytellers enable others to understand who they are and why it’s important to take action to protect our rights and access. Facts can only get you so far, we need people to empathize with these issues and how they impact real life people.


We, at Planned Parenthood, are privileged to hear amazing stories from our patient advocates and supporters all the time. Now, we are asking you to share your story! Please consider sharing with us.

Was Planned Parenthood there for you when you needed medical care? Did you have an awesome volunteer experience with us? Did reproductive issues spur you to political action? Will you be personally impacted by proposed legislation? 


Tell us about it! Share your story below.


If you are under 18 you need parental consent to share your story. Please email for instructions on how to get parental consent and submit your story.

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Raíz Program

Planned Parenthood lucha para garantizar que todas las personas tengan acceso a atención médica asequible y de alta calidad independientemente de su raza, ingresos, geografía, estado migratorio o identidad de género, pase lo que pase. Es por eso que el programa Raíz de Planned Parenthood está comprometido a eliminar las barreras en el acceso a la atención médica en la comunidad latina. El programa Raíz es más que solo salud. Se trata de justicia, conocimiento y poder.


Planned Parenthood fights to ensure that all people have access to high-quality and affordable health care, regardless of race, income, geography, immigration status, or gender identity — no matter what. That is why Planned Parenthood’s Raíz program is committed to breaking down barriers to accessing health care in the Latinx community. The Raíz program is about more than just health. It’s about justice, knowledge, and power.


Black Organizing Program


Attacks on reproductive rights and health disproportionately impact Black communities. Our Black Organizing Program focuses on reproductive justice activism by and for Black communities. 


Our theory of change: If we support and uplift the political and social power of Black communities through advocacy, organizing, education, and resource distribution, giving them the tools to feel empowered when navigating health care and making decisions in health care and policies affecting health care. Our goal is to build an equitable, sustainable, and inclusive movement that centers those who are most impacted, protects and expands avenues for access to care, and attains reproductive freedom for all.

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